The Stars

The Music of the Spheres
The cycles of the planets, stars and asteroids weave an eternal sacred geometric pattern of energy and light through our galaxy and beyond. Here on our planet Earth, following the spiral of all the luminaries is one way of living in harmony with the natural world.
Astrology is sometimes misunderstood as simply a prediction of a destined fate. In truth, it's an art and a science blended together, a fabulous composition of predictable energetic patterns dancing through the skies above us, showering all life with their gifts and lessons. Nothing is fated, but possibilities become more probable.
Each luminary and planet moves rhythmically through the 12 signs of the zodiac. As they move, they make aspects to each other, weaving an eternal pattern of energies. And when we open up to listen, we can hear the planets and stars share their secrets and their archetypal energies, which shape our individual personalities, life stories, and generations, enabling us to live in rhythm here on Holy Earth within the Cosmic Womb of the Star Mother.
How beautiful to think that we are under the influence of not only the known planets, but also many other planets, asteroids and stars which haven't even been discovered yet!
This topic is vast and complex. There are many wonderful resources available, and we encourage you to take this very brief summary as the tiniest tip of the iceberg, and to follow the nudges of interest you feel as you read. The sky is truly the limit when it comes to learning about the "music of the spheres"!
With a working knowledge of the influential cosmic bodies and energies, we can infuse our rituals and ceremonies with correspondences and messages regarding the current conditions of our collective sky.
The Zodiacal Signs
Our zodiac consists of 12 signs, characterized by elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air) and modalities (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable).
Aries (Cardinal Fire) is the first sign, corresponding with the Spring Equinox or Ostara in March
From there, we move through:
Taurus (Fixed Earth)
Gemini (Mutable Air)
Cancer (Cardinal Water), corresponding with the Summer Solstice or Litha in June
Leo (Fixed Fire)
Virgo (Mutable Earth)
Libra (Cardinal Air), corresponding with the Autumn Equinox or Mabon in September
Scorpio (Fixed Water)
Sagittarius (Mutable Fire)
Capricorn (Cardinal Earth), corresponding with the Winter Solstice or Yule in December
Aquarius (Fixed Air)
Pisces (Mutable Water)
Here is an interesting article by Kathryn Andrea, with keywords and affirmations, to help you get a feel for the personality of each sign.
Our Luminaries (Sun and Moon)
The Sun cycles through all 12 zodiacal signs in 365.25 days, changing signs once a month (although not on the first of the month!)
The Moon changes signs every 2 ½ days, and transits the zodiac every 29.5 days
The Inner Planets
The inner planets, which are closest to the Earth, are also known as the personal planets and governs individual and close relationship shifts (friends and family).
Mercury transits the zodiac in 12 months (approximately)
Venus transits the zodiac in 19 months (approximately)
Fun fact: Every 8 years Venus returns to the same degree and over time forms a pentagram—
see below for more about this magical path. -
Mars transits the zodiac in 2 years (approximately)
The Gatekeeper Planets
The furthest planets that we can see with the naked eye from Earth, these two are known as the Gatekeeper planets, and they govern expansion and contraction (the heartbeat of the universe).
Jupiter changes signs once a year, and transits the zodiac in 12 years.
Saturn changes signs every 2 ½ years, and transits the zodiac every 29 – 30 years
The Outer Planets
The outer planets, outside of our field of vision, move very slowly; and govern generational shifts.
Uranus changes signs every 7 years, and transits the zodiac every 84 years
Neptune changes signs every 14 years, and transits the zodiac every 164 years
Pluto changes signs every 10 to 20 years, and transits the zodiac every 248 years
The Fixed Stars
There are currently 88 star patterns "officially" recognized by astronomers. These patterns, or constellations, have always assisted people to navigate on land and by sea, as well as to tell time, as they consistently appear in specific parts of the sky depending on the day and year.
Unlike planets, constellations stay put in the sky (it only seems that they move... of course, we on Earth are the ones moving!). We experience stargate portals with constellations, which occur when our Sun is in conjunction with these stars.
"Whenever the Sun, Moon, or a planet in our solar system comes within one to two degrees of these stars, we are able to tap into their wisdom and insights with greater ease." ~ ForeverConscious
Influential stars and constellations include:
The Pleiades (also known as the Seven Sisters and the Hathors)
Orion (the Hunter)
Sirius (the Dog Star)
Polaris (the North Star)
The Royal Stars: Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares and Fomalhaut
The Asteroids
Interestingly, many asteroids are named after goddesses! The major asteroids in astrology are:
Ceres, Juno, Vesta, Pallas, Chiron, Eris and Lilith.
Bear in mind that things can get very confusing very quickly when we look beyond the "traditional" planets, as there are untold numbers of bodies in space. This is an evolving area of study, as we are constantly learning of the existence of planets and asteroids. Here is a helpful article by Leah Whitehorse detailing some of the major asteroids, dwarf planets, and more.
The Rosa Mystica Path of Venus
Especially sacred to a priestess is the Rose cycle of the planet Venus, which is the origin of the Rosa Mystica tradition. The rose and the five-pointed star are sacred divine feminine symbols.
"Every 8 years Venus dances with the Earth forming a perfect geometric pattern that looks like a Rose. The video below shows the geometric pattern that Venus makes from Earth over an 8 year period, which is called the Rose of Venus or the Pentagram of Venus. Each one of those petals is formed as Venus moves through its 18 month cycle. After five of these cycles, Venus returns to the same spot where it started, completing the rose or pentagram. Then the cycle begins again with a new rose waiting to be formed."
When she is visible, Venus is the brightest object in our sky. In her visible phases, she is either the Morning Star and Evening Star, depending on when she is visible in our sky. The time when she is invisible, she is said to be in the Underworld.
Many priestess of the Rose lineage follow the journey of Venus as it unfolds over Venus's 19-month cycle, and honor its correspondence with the story of the goddess Inanna's descent into the underworld.
Read one astrologer's version of the story of Inanna's journey here.
These sisters have wonderful offerings if you are interested in a deeper dive into the Rosa Mystica path.
Goddess Rising, Priestess of the Rose
​Here are some astrology and astronomy sites we find useful and enlightening:
EarthSky ~ For fascinating daily information and photos of the sky
TimeAndDate ~ For moon phases and so much more
Astrodienst ~ For free astrology charts and more
A few of the many wonderful astrologers out there: