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   Hi, I'm Barbara ~ I am

             ~ a seeker and a guide

                      ~ a dreamer and a manifester

                              ~ a holy witness and a holder of space

                                     ~ a Druid, a child of wonder, 

                                              and a Priestess of the Divine Feminine

My Story

About six years ago, I woke one morning with a clear knowing that it was time to leave my life-long career in education. I listened to that voice, that knowing, and left behind all that I had accomplished and knew to go in search of the Mystery. I had always believed myself to be a spiritual being having a human experience, and my spirit was hungry to experience more. I began by attending One Spirit Interfaith Seminary where I met my sisters, Ann and Daria, and became reacquainted with Druidry, a spiritual way of being that I remembered from other lifetimes. I had returned home and began to reawaken to the magic of the Natural World and Mother Gaia.


Currently, I am “residence free” and consider myself a minimalist. I live and work at the Omega Institute from May to November and then travel and explore from November to May. I teach workshops, lead celebrations, hold circles, and recently began writing a series of children’s books that introduce and explore the different components of Nature-based spirituality. I am blessed to live a life of pleasure, joy, and compassionate service while expanding into embodied spirituality.


I encourage you to listen to your heart, follow your bliss, and always choose love over fear.

I am here...

... to listen to your voice, your heart, and your spirit guide, encourage, and challenge you on your journey.

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